Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Tragedy

The refugee problem or the boat people as they call it in Australia has been in the national psyche for decades. From the Howard era of the “Pacific Solution”, which remind me of some WWII “solution”, to the softer approach of Labour’s policy, has been a determining factor during federal elections. Although boat people account for a minority of all asylum seekers to Australia, its media coverage has been extensive and much over hyped. 

With the recent tragedy at Christmas Island, it again bought up this topic and revealed the constant problem between satisfying the popularity of a ruling party to finding a real solution to the problem. While many wishes to find the most humane answer to stopping refugees making their perilous journey across the Indian Ocean to reach Australia, the truth is the actual route taken is the one that will yield the greatest number of votes during election; be it sending them packing or putting a welcome mat at Australia’s doorstep. In other words, instead of finding a real answer to the problem, Australia has been dodging the real problem of helping to promote stability in the actual regions where refugees are coming from and tackling to reduce the number of refugees coming by boat.


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