Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Atlantic Order vs China

Having just read an article in the Telegraph regarding China and the Nobel Peace Prize (link below), I couldn’t agree more the Nobel Prize is as much as a political tool as it is a weapon for the Atlantic Order i.e. Western Europe, North America. Throughout history, the award did indeed go towards to those fought against powers that did not agree with nor work in the interest of the Atlantic Order. However, the big fuss that China is making is what perplexes me the most. 

First of all, we all know China is playing the long game. It did not get to where it is today on short term planning or goals. However, since the announcement of this year’s winner, why is China making such a high profile statement? This has no doubt made a huge dent in its PR image and their outlandish statement that has been released is close to sounding it might have came from North Korea or Iran. China is not stupid, but why on the surface it seems China is digging a deeper grave for itself?  

In the end, as Mr Swami states “No one in Washington DC, or London, or Paris, or New Delhi is going to withdraw a single dollar in investment from Beijing to help Mr Liu.”  So does this all really matter?

Referring Article:


Hi Ding! said...

The Chinese gov't has always been very wary of the infectious nature of ideas and symbolism (to be cliche). They do not want to be on the wrong side of a people's revolution.

I think that China is not trying necessarily to defend its image to the world, but defend its image to its own people.

What kind of image would the public get if Mr. Liu wins the same award that was conferred to Mother Theresa, MLK JR., and nominated to Gandhi, and the government didn't make a peep?

Yo awesome blog btw! gives me somethign to read at work!

Neo-Observer said...

You're certainly right about the govt trying to satisfy the demands of its population rather than the rest of the world. Because it is not a democratically elected govt, its legitimacy must therefore come from satisfying social needs (to put it broadly.

And thanks for the encouragement! I will keep the posts flowing!

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